Springtime Sundays

Kayan or Kenyah woman with baby in traditional...

Image by Erwin Bolwidt (El Rabbit) via Flickr

Springtime Sundays

Spring Break is over.  The new season is well on its way and you are intent on making a commitment to live a healthy life and set an example for your children.  Perhaps you are a new parent and you have the unique opportunity of setting the style in which you want your family to grow.  This is when you can set patterns and behaviours and introduce your family to activities they can do together.

I recommend you start with Sunday afternoons.  Set aside one hour.  Put on your rubber boots and find a trail to hike on if the ground is still wet.  Or lace up walking or running shoes, put the baby in the stroller and head off on a path.  Or put your child in a bike carrier and head out for a ride around your neighbourhood or on a bike path.  This is how you expose your child to an active lifestyle.  Make it part of yours.

Invite other families who live near you to join you.  Kids will learn that the Sunday afternoons can be a whole lot of active fun if you set the standard.  They will come to want and expect this time together.

Years ago family routinely gathered for Sunday dinner, and that can still be a great tradition, but make the pre-event to the family meal a fun and active time together.

You can easily include the whole family by doing the food prep, setting the table, making a salad and putting the main part of the meal in the oven or slow cooker.  Then head outside for your planned activity.

Some families like to create an “activity bowl”. Have everyone write down (you can do it for little ones) fun activities they enjoy on a piece of paper.  Fold up each suggestion and put it in a bowl.  Every Sunday a different person gets to pick the activity.  Don’t put that suggestion back in the container.  Whenever someone thinks of a new idea they can add it to the bowl or hat or whatever you are using.  Everyone takes part…that is how you set the example and keep yourself active as well.

You will find that by the time summer roles around, a habit has been formed and the tradition is set.

Create great memories for your family starting with Spring Sundays.

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